Saturday, May 23, 2020

Caesars Ambition Lead to His Downfall - 3012 Words

â€Å"I came, I saw, I conquered.† These were the famous words spoken by the Roman emperor, Julius Caesar. Caesar’s coming to power signalled the Roman Empire escalation in terms of economy, citizen rights, military strength, etc. Caesar’s leadership brought Rome many fortunes; some historians credit his success to the fact that he was ambitious. However, becoming overly ambitious has often been the cause of downfall for the leaders of the past, and Ceasar’s case was no different. While ambition gives an individual a goal and proper motivation towards it, sometimes the culprit can become obsessed with his own legacy, and forego rationality to in an attempt to carve his name in stone. For a ruler, this is a particularly undesirable†¦show more content†¦we are two lions littered in one day, and I the elder and more terrible, and Caesar shall go forth. Caesar claims he is more dangerous than â€Å"danger† himself. Danger, a supernatural force is insulted by Caesar when Caesar claims he is more â€Å"dangerous† and more â€Å"terrible†. Caesar openly mocks the gods in Caesar and Cleopatra when he says, †¦Your gods are afraid of the Romans; you see Sphinx dare not bite me, nor prevent me carrying you off†¦ Caesar’s overconfidence and immense level of pride allows him to say this bold statement where he challenges the mighty power with, â€Å"your gods are afraid of the Romans.† The cocky ruler then challenges the gods’ power when he states, â€Å"you see Sphinx does not bite me†. Like a stuck-up, ignorant teen who challenges his/her parents, Caesar does the same to his superior guardian once again proving his defiance towards the gods. In addition, Caesar also says, †¦Sphinx, my place is as high as yours in this great dessert; only I wander, and you sit still; I conquer and you endure†¦for I am he of whose genius you are the symbol, part brute†¦and part God The conceited Roman general starts with â€Å"my place is as high as yours†, which puts him side by side with the status of the gods, and differentiates in an overconfident manner between himself and the almighty God, Sphinx. Secondly, Caesar claims that he too is â€Å"part God†. As daring as a hare going into a lion’s den, similarly, Caesar defiesShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Tragic Hero In Julius Caesar905 Words   |  4 Pagesroot of his own downfall.† By Shakespearean definition, a tragic hero is someone of high position such as a nobleman, who has hamartia, a tragic flaw that leads to his downfall, and even his demise. 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Monday, May 11, 2020

Role Of Television Advertising Of Lifestyle Products On...

CERTIFICATE OF THE SUPERVISOR I ,Ms. Ruhi Lal Thakur hereby certify that kanchan Gupta student of Master of Journalism Mass Communication at Amity School of Communication, Amity University Uttar Pradesh has completed the Project Report on the topic― Role of television advertising of lifestyle products in purchase behaviour of youth and enhancing their lifestyle. Ms. Ruhi Lal Thakur (Signature) Assistant Professor CERTIFICATE OF THE CANDIDATE This is to certify that the study entitled as â€Å"Role of television advertising of lifestyle products in purchase behaviour of youth and enhancing their lifestyle.† undertaken by me is original. I have not submitted this project report to any other organization. This project has been guided by Ms. Ruhi Lal Thakur, Assistant Professor, Amity school Of Communication (ASCO), Amity University, U.P. This is submitted to Amity School of Communication in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master’s of Journalism and Mass Communication of session (2013-2015). KANCHAN GUPTA A2028813068 SIGNATURE DATE: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The preparation of this work has been successful due to the help and inspiration received from various sources. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the opportunity to complete the summer internship project report entitled â€Å"Role of television advertising of lifestyle products inShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Television Advertising On Lifestyle And Purchase Behavior Of Youth Of Delhi / Ncr Essay3509 Words   |  15 PagesAn analytical study on role of TV advertising in affecting lifestyle and purchase behavior of youth of Delhi / NCR. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Doing Business in Thailand Free Essays

Thailand†s booming economy has encouraged me to begin a new business relationship with a highly recognized Thai company. I manufacturer a line of products for the sugar processing industry. I recently signed a one-year contract with Thai Chemiclas and Engineering Co. We will write a custom essay sample on Doing Business in Thailand or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ltd., located in Bangkok, to be my exclusive representative in the Thailand area. Thai Chemicals and Engineering will promote my product line and get it into the all the sugar mills in the area. They will purchase two containers per month for which we have negotiated a compatible price. The containers will be shipping out of Savannah, Georgia with a final destination of the port of Bangkok. The shipping terms will be CIF: Bangkok. I decided to use a local company to represent my product line for various reasons. First of all, I need someone that knows the culture and business environment who has an established relationship with other locals. Once my products become known, I would like to establish a! factory in Thailand. Therefore, I found it necessary to gather all the information required to begin a new business in Thailand. Although business can be 100 % owned by foreign investors, some are reserved for 51 % Thai ownership. People of any nationalities can participate in ownership to varying degrees: through sole ownership, a limited companycorporation, an ordinary partnership, a limited partnership, or a branch of a foreign corporation. The Ministry of Commerce’s Department of Commercial Registration is directly in charge of company registration. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is a well-developed financial institution which welcomes foreign investment. Bangkok’s modern Don Muang International Airport can easily serve your arrivals or connections. Thailand is equipped with an extensive and ever-developing transport infrastructure and an extensive state-run rail system. There are numerous shipping ports including Bangkok’s Klong Toey Port and the Eastern Seaboard’s Mab Ta Phut and Laem Chabang deep-sea ports within 200 kilometres of Bangkok. Typical business hours are : for banks and financial institutions, Monday – Friday 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.; Government offices, Monday -Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed noon – 1 p.m.); private business, Monday – Friday from 8:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. The Royal Thai Government (RTG) has been reducing import duties and trade barriers as part of its obligations as a founding member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and as a member of the Association of South East Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) Free Trade Area (AFTA). A Factory Establishment Licence must be obtained from the Ministry of Industry. Fees depend on machinery power rating and the number of employees. Arbitrary customs valuation procedures constitute another barrier to U.S. exports. The Thai Customs Department may use as a check price the highest previously invoiced price of a product imported from any given country and may disregard actual invoiced values in favor of the check price for assessment purposes. On June 6, 1995, the Thai Cabinet approved a policy to require, on a case by case basis, countertrade on government procurement contracts valued at over 500 million baht ($20 million) Thailand maintains several programs that subsidize exports, including preferential financing for exporters. Thailand’s export-import bank, established in September 1993, is responsible for some of these programs, particularly the packing credit program. One of the most prominent trade issues between the United States and Thailand has been the extent of Thailand’s protection for U.S. copyright, patent and trademark holders. The Kingdom of Thailand respects all international laws regarding copyrights and trademarks. Thailand passed a new copyright law in December 1994 that strengthened legal copyright protection and increased the penalties for copyright infringement Amendments to the trademark law in 1992 provide higher penalties for infringement and extend protection to services, certification, and collective marks. Under current Thai regulation, only persons of Thai nationality may be licensed in many professional services, including accounting, architecture, engineering, construction management, brokerage services and legal services. However, there is planning to revise these regulations. The announcement of National Executive Council No. 281, commonly known as the Alien Business Law, limits foreign equity in many Thai firms to less than fifty percent. The Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations between Thailand and the United States provides for 100 percent U.S. ownership of companies in most industries. Businesses in the fields of communications, transport, fiduciary functions, natural resources, or trade in agricultural products are excluded from treaty coverage. The Communications Authority of Thailand imposes stringent equity and revenue sharing requirements on International Value Added Network Service (IVANs) providers. In conclusion, The World Bank predicts that Thailand will be the world’s eighth largest economy within 20 years by the year 2020. Thailand will have a larger economy than Brazil, Britain, France, Italy and Taiwan. Thailand’s own National Economic and social Development Board has seen a doubling of the economy in the year 2000 and the Kingdom ranking first in Southeast Asia, among the seven ASEAN states. I feel that this is the perfect timing to invest and I am confident that my business will prosper. How to cite Doing Business in Thailand, Essay examples