Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Concept of New Media

The Concept of New Media THE CONCEPT OF NEW MEDIA New Media as a term can't be portrayed by a solitary, uniform definition. This is on the grounds that the idea of New Media advances alongside the improvement of innovation and as the methods of correspondence advance and become from multiple points of view, increasingly moment. The idea of New Media takes positive structure when the examination between the old and the new vehicles of correspondence happens. In the current age, the modes of TV, recorders, radio and paper books have taken a back stage and the electronic vehicles of correspondence have developed triumphant. Today, the most well known and most quick methods for correspondence is the Internet which is the center component recognizing new media from different structures. The famous meaning of New Media is perceived with the utilization of a PC for the methods for dissemination and display, by method of the web, instead of with creation. Therefore, messages disseminated by means of a PC are considered as New Media though t hose imprinted on paper, without the utilization of the PC and the web are definitely not. This Lev Monovich has named as the ‘culture of computerization.’[1] According to Monovich, the PC envelops all mediums/strategies for correspondence and influences a wide range of media, text, despite everything pictures, moving pictures, sound and extraordinary constructions.[2] However, Monovich himself expresses that constraining the approach of New Media to the gadget of a PC is excessively restricting. Monovich sets out the accompanying rules that decide new Media[3] †Numerical Representation Monovich states that different types and types of New Media can be depicted scientifically, that is as far as the paired code as are numerical portrayals. Along these lines, by applying proper calculations, New Media can be controlled. A cinematograph film for instance is an arrangement of pictures/outlines, every one of which has its own numerical representation.[4] Particularity This is otherwise called the ‘fractal structure of New Media’. Media components comprise of pixels, nibbles, characters, contents, voxels and so forth, every one of which join to make the bigger picture, that is, the thing that we see. Notwithstanding, every one holds its autonomous character separate from the entirety. Returning to the case of the cinematograph film, each edge would be autonomously made and would from that point be consolidated together to make the entire cinematograph work. In any case, a solitary edge can from that point be evacuated, adjusted or erased without affecting the entire ‘work’. Mechanization The over two standards, that is Numerical portrayal and Modularity permit the work to be computerized in numerous activities. For instance, in cinematograph films programming is customized to naturally create fake life, for example, hordes of individuals as required in the film. Another progressively normal model is the point at which a PC consequently creates website pages when the client arrives at the webpage. Fluctuation An object of New Media is corresponding to the possibility of fluid. New media isn't fixed in one positive arrangement however can exist in a horde of forms. New Media every now and again changes as it is put away carefully with a numerical code. Consequently, inconstancy is an outcome of standard 1 †numerical portrayal and guideline 2 †measured quality. So as to get clearness, one can contrast old media and new media. Old Media is made by a human maker who physically amasses the test, the pictures, and the video and sound components in a single specific configuration which at that point gets fixed for ceaselessness. Duplicates of the work can be made, however just indistinguishable duplicates can be made. Interestingly, New Media, which comprises various codes, changes each time it is produced. This is on the grounds that, after it is made by the human maker, New Media at that point starts to be produced consequently which is the thing that outcomes in various adaptations. As New Media is put away carefully, as opposed to a fixed medium, every component holds its different personality which would then be able to be amassed into various arrangements under the program’s control. Inconstancy of New Media is made because of the accompanying elements [5]†Media components are put away on a media database Each time Media is made, various components are utilized alongside various numerical coding New Media can be shown utilizing various interfaces The data about the client can be utilized by a PC program to consequently produce and redo the media organization New Media is through stretching/menu based intuitiveness therefore permitting the client to pick. This is the point at which a client enters a program; the client is given various choices to look over. The branch next cutting edge to in the program would rely on the decision made by the client which for every client would not really be the equivalent. New Media contains objects that are occasionally refreshed. Transcoding The fifth standard is the most noteworthy, the social transcoding of media. This implies all information is transformed into mechanized information. While from one viewpoint mechanized media despite everything shows basic association which is thorough to the clients, for example, pictures, messages and so forth then again media follows the customary structure of a computer’s association of information. In this manner, New Media can be viewed as two unmistakable layers, the ‘culture layer’ and the ‘computer layer’. The layer that can be seen as a portrayal is the way of life layer and the working capacities are the PC layer. Lev Manovich, in his presentation toThe New Media Reader, characterized New Media by utilizing eight suggestions: Today, the undeniably quick change in innovative advancement is prompting quickly changing types of new media in this way prompting new and startling techniques for appropriating and displaying copyrighted work. Strategies for appropriation or show are continually developing and are modernizing subsequently giving old substance new structure and worth. For instance, the display of performing expressions has advanced from theater to pictures, TV, videocassettes, LDs, DVDS, gushed recordings and afterward to mobile phone configurations and tablet designs. A comparable situation has been seen in the music business where the strategy for putting away the information recorded has changed. Copyright Law, including the Copyright Act, 1957 awards creators a selective directly over their creations.[6] Copyright in a work goes on for long terms. Area 22 of the Act expresses that â€Å"Copyright will stay alive in any scholarly, emotional, melodic or aesthetic work distributed inside the lifetime of the creator until sixty years from the earliest starting point of the schedule year next after the year wherein the creator dies.† During this time, the estimation of the work and the conditions encompassing its conveyance would be subject to change impressively. To get a full comprehension of the idea envision that a paper distributer needs to discharge a gathering of articles on a CD-ROM and all the while needs to make an online database. There would be a likelihood that some of the creators would not be alive to give their agree to such appropriation of their work. Finding the correct holders to all articles to get them to consent to re-discharge the works would be res trictively troublesome. Copyright laws over the globe have not articulated on the copyright security of ever-changing New Media. In this way, New Media will end up being an exceptionally argumentative issue because of the vast escape clause in the law. As India has not explicitly managed the issue of New Media as a test to copyright law this section will take a gander at administrative thinking in different nations before making an inference with regards to what India’s authoritative advancement will be in this regard. The lawful scene as for new use rights is bifurcated into two. While USA and the UK perceive new use rights and by and large permit the free exchange of rights to obscure employments of copyrighted works, copyright awards are limited in Germany, Spain, Belgium. CHAPTER___ COPYRIGHT PROTECTION OF TWEETS AND FACEBOOK POSTS Twitter alongside Facebook exemplifies the term ‘social organizing sites’ which permits a client to make a profile and consistently interface with different clients. While Facebook permits presents and pictures on be transferred on a user’s profile, Twitter is an ongoing application that permits open contact among the clients. Along these lines, in the Internet age, Twitter and Facebook are the most ordinarily utilized long range informal communication destinations. Copyright issues as for one site will apply similarly to the next site. In this manner, for conversation purpose, the case of Twitter is picked. ‘Tweets’, the posts by clients on the site, are generally straightforward as a system. They are short long as they can't surpass 140 characters and on a general premise answer only one question.[7] Users on Twitter share stories, realities, data, breaking news, reports on world occasions, diversion, sports and so forth. Twitter clients can follow different clients or the other way around and refreshed tweets would show up as and when they are posted.[8] Twitter, by means of its terms of administration, proclaims that the client holds his/her privileges to any substance posted[9], in this manner Twitter expresses that the client is qualified for the Intellectual Property Rights that get vested with the client because of any post. On the other hand, by joining as a client on the Twitter site and making the substance accessible to people in general by posting tweets, the client gives a permit to Twitter. The permit incorporates Twitter’s option to make the substance accessible to different associations, organizations etc.[10] Regardless of whether tweets on Twitter are copyrightable has, till date, not been a hostile issue in India. In any case, in the United States the copyrightability of tweets has been under discussion. In this way, to have the option to come full circle in a palatable answer, we first need to see whether a Tweet/post fulfills the prerequisites of the Feder

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How the Other Half Lives Review Essay Example for Free

How the Other Half Lives Review Essay How the other Half Lives is an instructive book neglecting the 1900’s. The creator, Jacob A. Riis, tallies individuals for the evaluation. He saw a wide range of parts of life in New York City during this time. He shares a portion of the concealed relations of apartment lodging. He talks about the various ethnic gatherings and how they structure bunch qualities in unmistakable neighborhoods. Riis’s sincere beliefs of the worth and intensity of these ethnic gatherings comes through in his composition. His thoughts mirror a portion of the national thoughts during this timespan. Blacks rank the least in the public eye as of now. Riis credits this to characteristic choice. They are a race on the most reduced level, helpless against the hardships of the landowners. Riis doesn't appear to loathe the blacks, yet acknowledges the way that they are the most minimal type of an individual. Riis places the Chinese right over the blacks. He ruins the prevalent view that, â€Å"the Chinaman being a thousand years behind the age all alone shore†, by expressing that in America, â€Å"he is unmistakably side by side of it in his fruitful conspiring to ‘to make it pay.’† Riis thinks the Chinese are offensive individuals. He begins my ruining their â€Å"grub-worshiping† religion. The way that Chinese practice an alternate religion takes numerous individuals daydreaming, and they start to affront the district, saying it is dishonorable contrasted with Christianity. Alongside these affront, the troubling neighborhood and past time of betting are likewise brought up. Chinese were the most abhorred gathering of this timeframe. Jews are the following gathering. Riis shares both constructive and pessimistic qualities of the Jewish individuals. He takes note of the difference in age bunches conduct with an impartial point of view and even notes how they â€Å"honestly† remain at home on siestas. Riis calls attention to that they live in the most crowed houses that he has ever observed. Riis appears to be generally unbiased about this gathering as he examines their longing for cash. Riis thinks the most noteworthy of the Irish. This gathering comes up ordinarily all through his composition and there will never be any too much negative remarks made about them, not at all like when Riis disks the Chinese. This ethnic gathering is frequently contrasted with different gatherings and is the subject of a great deal of his composition. He takes note of their deficiencies, however consistently with positive talk. I think he is the most kind to the Irish since they had been in the nation so long. It is normal that they are in the nation, and some are in any event, moving out of outrageous neediness. They appear to have the most force in the apartments of New York. Likewise, Riis is extremely acquainted with the Irish. A portion of his composing seems to be thoughtful, for example, when he says the Irish, â€Å"falls most promptly casualty to apartment influences†. Riis mentions that Germans may have a superior involvement with America. He tells how Germans garden, and carry their blossoms with them any place they go, however rapidly streams that by saying, â€Å"not that it speaks to any higher guideline in the man; rather maybe the limit with regards to it†. Riis favors the Irish the most out of all the ethnic gatherings. Riis specifies numerous other ethnic gatherings that are available in America, for example, the Bohemians and the Italians. Anyway his assessments of the Blacks, Chinese, Jewish, and Irish come through with the most energy in his in his composition.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Your Next Steps as an Admitted Transfer Student

Your Next Steps as an Admitted Transfer Student Congratulations on being admitted! This is a huge accomplishment that deserves to be celebrated. With all of your previous work leading up to this, you may be unsure what to do next. Heres a guideline of the steps youll take on your way to campus next fall. 1. Complete your admitted student checklist. The most important step to becoming an Illini is ensuring youve completed everything on your Admitted Student Checklist. You can view your checklist by logging into myIllini (the place you applied) and clicking on your application for admission. Accepting Your Offer The very first step in your admitted checklist will be accepting or declining your offer of admission to Illinois. You have some time to do this, but sooner is always better than later. The sooner you accept, the sooner you can get started on most everything else.(Note, though, that you can apply for financial aid any timeâ€"and sooner is always better than later when it comes to that step, too!) Other Key Steps After accepting your offer, you can complete your housing application and sign up for new student registration. Youll also be able to view any registration homework or placement exams, which youll need to complete before registering for classes.In addition, you must send your final transcripts and any other requested documents our way. Last steps include setting up your tuition billing and receiving required immunizations. International transfers must complete the I-20 as well. And that’s it! Again, be sure to log in to yourmyIllini account. Here, you can look atyour Admitted Student Checklist to see specific requirements and due dates.Now, let’s get into the fun stuff! 2. Visit campus. We recommend that every student visit the university if they can. Whether its summer, spring, fall, or winter, the beauty of campus is sure to blow you awayâ€"and if it doesnt, the wind just might! We havevisits specifically for our transfer students. They include a presentation by one of our admissions counselors, a QA session with current students, and a guided tour of campus. We recommend signing up for a visit more than 5 days in advance, since this will usually allow for you to meet with an academic advisor in your college. The advisor can talk to you about the kinds of classes youll take once here. They can also cover the campus resources available to you and what you can do with your Illinois degree after graduation. When on campus, you can also tour our different housing options and even get a taste of Illinois cuisine! Feel free to visit one of our 7 dining halls, head to theIllini Union food court, or enjoy a campus restaurant or two. 3. Check out your housing options. University Housing In University Housing, two living communities are designated specifically for transfer students. These include the fourth floor ofScott and the first floor ofBousfield, located in Ikenberry Commons. Both halls have staff specifically trained in assisting students with potential challenges of adjusting to campus. Although these residence halls are tailored to the transfer experience, you can live in any of our 24 university halls! If you choose a space through University Housing, you have access to any of our dining halls, residence hall libraries, computer labs, and study rooms. Private Certified Housing Private Certified Housing is another first-year housing option with 11 different halls to choose from. The university approves but does not own these buildings. Options range from traditional-style residence halls to more apartment-like living experiences, giving you freedom in the type of housing you choose. Off-Campus Living If you transfer in with above 30 credit hours and have lived a full academic year at another institution, you also have the option of living off campus. This can present some great joys and a few downfalls. Being able to cook and eat whenever you want is a plus, but finding an apartment that fits all your needs can be tricky. It’s a good thing we have an office in place to help!Off-Campus Community Living is a great resource our students can utilize when choosing an apartment. Their tools can sort by location, size, amenities, and even whether or not you can bring your beloved dog, cat, or fish to campus with you. 4. Explore campus resources. University Resources Illinois has all sorts of resources to make your life easier. When you first get to campus,New Student Programs is focused on helping you with the transition. They host the Illini Transfer Ambassadors and GRIT Camp.Illini Transfer Ambassadors is a group of current transfer students on campus who help implement programs for new transfer students.GRIT (Guiding Resilient Illinois Transfer students) Camp is a free one-day program meant for transfer students to build a community and learn about the university. In addition, every department provides academic advisors you can meet with to discuss class schedules, adding or dropping classes, and checking your progress to graduation. McKinley Health Center is here for you when you get the flu or fall off your bike, and theCounseling Center is here for you when you just need a little extra support, emotionally or spiritually. In terms of career goals, even more specialized resources exist. TheLeadership Center can help you develop invaluable leadership skills and cultivate self-awareness, and theCareer Center can help you with resume reviews, cover letters, and practice interviews. The Career Center also provides guidance on prepping for career fairs, landing an internship, or scoring your dream job! Student Organizations On such a large campus, our students find thousands of ways to make their worlds just a little bit smaller! The first Sunday before classes start in the fall, we have an event called Quad Day. Here, many of our 1,800 registered student organizations (RSOs) all line up across the Quad and recruit new students. If youre transferring in in the spring, you can still check out the organizations through the RSO Involvement Fair. This event takes place in the Illini Union during the second week of classes. The amazing thing about RSOs is that engineering majors and English majors can join together in their love for Ultimate Frisbee or Harry Potter! Almost all of our RSOs are open to any major or year, and a few are even dedicated to helping transfer students adjust to life at Illinois. Branching out and experiencing new things is one of the best ways to make the transition easier. It will also help you create friendships during your first few months on campus. Other Fun Stuff If youre interested in more than RSOs, try taking advantage of other fun campus and community resources! Take a cycling class or try rock climbing throughcampus recreation. Explore thousands of years of history atSpurlock Museum and become an art connoisseur atKrannert Art Museum. Enjoy a noteworthy performance at theKrannert Center for Performing Arts. Storm the court at theState Farm Center. You’ll never stop finding things to do and see on our campus. 5. Accept your offer! Once you know Illinois is the right fit for you, come join us. Again, the sooner you accept your offer, the sooner you can register for classes, decide on housing, and buy everything orange and blue. We hope to see you and that orange and blue on campus soon! admitted transfer Illinois Admissions We're here for you as you prepare for college. Whether you're looking for guidance on the college search process or have questions about Illinois, we hope our blogs will help!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Caesars Ambition Lead to His Downfall - 3012 Words

â€Å"I came, I saw, I conquered.† These were the famous words spoken by the Roman emperor, Julius Caesar. Caesar’s coming to power signalled the Roman Empire escalation in terms of economy, citizen rights, military strength, etc. Caesar’s leadership brought Rome many fortunes; some historians credit his success to the fact that he was ambitious. However, becoming overly ambitious has often been the cause of downfall for the leaders of the past, and Ceasar’s case was no different. While ambition gives an individual a goal and proper motivation towards it, sometimes the culprit can become obsessed with his own legacy, and forego rationality to in an attempt to carve his name in stone. For a ruler, this is a particularly undesirable†¦show more content†¦we are two lions littered in one day, and I the elder and more terrible, and Caesar shall go forth. Caesar claims he is more dangerous than â€Å"danger† himself. Danger, a supernatural force is insulted by Caesar when Caesar claims he is more â€Å"dangerous† and more â€Å"terrible†. Caesar openly mocks the gods in Caesar and Cleopatra when he says, †¦Your gods are afraid of the Romans; you see Sphinx dare not bite me, nor prevent me carrying you off†¦ Caesar’s overconfidence and immense level of pride allows him to say this bold statement where he challenges the mighty power with, â€Å"your gods are afraid of the Romans.† The cocky ruler then challenges the gods’ power when he states, â€Å"you see Sphinx does not bite me†. Like a stuck-up, ignorant teen who challenges his/her parents, Caesar does the same to his superior guardian once again proving his defiance towards the gods. In addition, Caesar also says, †¦Sphinx, my place is as high as yours in this great dessert; only I wander, and you sit still; I conquer and you endure†¦for I am he of whose genius you are the symbol, part brute†¦and part God The conceited Roman general starts with â€Å"my place is as high as yours†, which puts him side by side with the status of the gods, and differentiates in an overconfident manner between himself and the almighty God, Sphinx. Secondly, Caesar claims that he too is â€Å"part God†. As daring as a hare going into a lion’s den, similarly, Caesar defiesShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Tragic Hero In Julius Caesar905 Words   |  4 Pagesroot of his own downfall.† By Shakespearean definition, a tragic hero is someone of high position such as a nobleman, who has hamartia, a tragic flaw that leads to his downfall, and even his demise. This is strongly illustrated in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, where Marcus Brutus’ desire to remain noble and honourable leads him to naivety and self destruction. The plot of the play revolves around removing power from Caesar, causing the inability of Marcus Brutus to reconcile his guilt overRead More Julius Caesar - T ragic Hero Essay1028 Words   |  5 Pages Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero amp;#9;Julius Caesar is a play written by William Shakespeare during the year 1597. Julius Caesar’s story involves a conspiracy against Julius Caesar, a powerful senator. The play involves a highly respected senator, Brutus, who decides to join the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar, in the effort to keep democracy intact. Brutus believes that if Julius Caesar is allowed to live, Caesar will take a kingship and turn the government into a monarchy. Brutus, CassiusRead MoreJulius Caesar : Fate Vs. Free1298 Words   |  6 PagesCaesar proved that fate and free will maintain a tug-of-war situation by involving the two into the assassination of one of the iconic people from ancient history. Caesar’s fate is deemed the most distinct in comparison to the other characters in Julius Caesar. However, he used his determination on many occasions overall to ignore his inevitability, which destiny has presented. On one incident in the beginning of the play, a soothsayer warns Caesar to â€Å"Beware the ides of March.† (I.ii.21). The soothsayer’sRead MoreMarcus Brutus: The Tragic Hero in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar1069 Words   |  5 PagesIn Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, the title leads the mind to believe that Caesar is the tragic hero; however, this is not the case. The noble Brutus is a much more accurate fit for the role of tragic hero. A tragic hero is a character with a tragic flaw that goes from good fortune to complete misfortune in a fairly quick downfall. Although some may argue that Caesar fits this depiction, Brutus is a better choice. He goes from the top of the social standings to internationalRead MoreMarcus Brutus: Shakespeares Tragic Hero in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar1238 Words   |  5 Pagesin the play The T ragedy of Julius Caesar. Shakespeare defines tragic hero as a flawed character who has good fortune, and then loses all he has prized, leading to his misfortune, but a tragic hero must have that moment of enlightenment, that moment where a character can see that he caused his own downfall and receives the blame for his own tragedy. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is based on an historical event- the assassination of Julius Caesar; however, the story revolves around the conspiratorsRead MoreHonorable Betrayal Essay1044 Words   |  5 Pagesliterature. Aristotle’s definition of the tragic hero is a character that has a character flaw, also known as hubris, and experiences a downfall from a high position in society due to this flaw. After this downfall, a tragic hero experiences an enlightenment. Brutus fits Aristotle’s description perfectly. Brutus has a severe character flaw and experiences a downfall from a high position in society. However, he is an honorable ch aracter that truly provokes sympathy from the audience. First of allRead MoreEssay about Marcus Brutus: Praetor, Senator, and Tragic Hero858 Words   |  4 Pagesseveral tragic heroes in this play who suffer extreme downfalls. A tragic hero is a character who was once in high regard or standing but encounters a series of terrible events that contribute to a giant downfall from that position. The character of Brutus fits this description by all means. He, along with the other conspirators, plan to murder Caesar and eventually do. Afterward, Brutus sees the errors of his ways in a moment of enlightenment in his final day on the earth. Brutus’ flaws are not numerousRead More A Hero’s Tragic Downfall869 Words   |  4 PagesA Hero’s Tragic Downfall In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus is portrayed as a tragic hero. He believes he can amend the Roman Empire by killing Caesar and granting Romans freedom from a potential monarchy. Cassius comes to Brutus with intentions of obviating Caesar from the throne. At first, Brutus is against this. Then, Cassius changes his mind by lying to him and persuading him with false letters supposedly from other Romans. Ultimately, Brutus is the tragic hero becauseRead MoreGrievous Ambitions849 Words   |  4 PagesGrievous Ambitions In William Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Julius Caesar we find that when a leader is wrongfully murdered absolute political chaos ensues. Brutus our protagonist is the poster child for the position of tragic hero, the one who starts off in such a high position and winds up with nothing, but he can only blame himself. As he and several other conspirators plot to kill Caesar for no logical reason other than lust and Caesar’s ambition. He justifies his actions through fallaciesRead MoreJulius Caesar Character Analysis1546 Words   |  7 Pagestaking advantage of them. In one of Shakespeare’s plays, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, it demonstrates that being too trusting of someone could end with bad consequences. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, one of the main characters, Brutus, trusted his best friend, Cassius, with everything. Brutus trusted that Cassius was right about him being a new ruler of Rome, how killing Caesar would make a safer and better living space for the community, and that the people would support Brutus while he was

Monday, May 11, 2020

Role Of Television Advertising Of Lifestyle Products On...

CERTIFICATE OF THE SUPERVISOR I ,Ms. Ruhi Lal Thakur hereby certify that kanchan Gupta student of Master of Journalism Mass Communication at Amity School of Communication, Amity University Uttar Pradesh has completed the Project Report on the topic― Role of television advertising of lifestyle products in purchase behaviour of youth and enhancing their lifestyle. Ms. Ruhi Lal Thakur (Signature) Assistant Professor CERTIFICATE OF THE CANDIDATE This is to certify that the study entitled as â€Å"Role of television advertising of lifestyle products in purchase behaviour of youth and enhancing their lifestyle.† undertaken by me is original. I have not submitted this project report to any other organization. This project has been guided by Ms. Ruhi Lal Thakur, Assistant Professor, Amity school Of Communication (ASCO), Amity University, U.P. This is submitted to Amity School of Communication in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master’s of Journalism and Mass Communication of session (2013-2015). KANCHAN GUPTA A2028813068 SIGNATURE DATE: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The preparation of this work has been successful due to the help and inspiration received from various sources. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the opportunity to complete the summer internship project report entitled â€Å"Role of television advertising of lifestyle products inShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Television Advertising On Lifestyle And Purchase Behavior Of Youth Of Delhi / Ncr Essay3509 Words   |  15 PagesAn analytical study on role of TV advertising in affecting lifestyle and purchase behavior of youth of Delhi / NCR. 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Guerilla Marketing 17Read MoreMarketing Communication Creative Brief and Imc Plan7930 Words   |  32 Pages12 7.3 Behavioural Sequence Model (BSM) 13 8. Choice of Media 14 8.1 Traditional Advertising 14 i. TV Commercials 14 ii. Magazines for Young Women (Print Advertisements) 14 iii. Commercials in Cinemas 15 iv. Road Shows 15 v. Billboards/ Decals on MRT Stations 15 vi. Skin Analysis Booth in Health amp; Beauty Stores (Watsons, Guardian Pharmacy amp; SASA) 16 8.2 Modern’ or Online Advertising 16 vii. Social Media Platforms 16 viii. Guest Bloggers 17 ix. Guerilla MarketingRead MoreQualitative Research and Celebrity Endorsement24767 Words   |  100 Pagesrisks involved with this technique of advertising, it is been used quite extensively in the present era. The instrument of celebrity endorsement has nowadays become a pervasive element in advertising and communication management. Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1  Background  to  the  topic   Marketers spend enormous amounts of money annually on celebrity endorsement contracts based on the belief that celebrities are effective spokespeople for their products or brands (Katyal, 2007). Celebrity EndorsementRead MoreSecret Recipe Plan10552 Words   |  43 Pagescafe business provides the variety choice for customers to dine out. Therefore, company should be able to provide the food and service based on the domestic consumer behaviour. The Secret Recipe cafe has over 150 outlets throughout Malaysia and Asia. The distribution channel through the franchise is able the Secret Recipe product distribute equally and efficiently. In the analysis report, the current trend in Malaysia is the customers prefer dining outside from their home these days. Nowadays

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Doing Business in Thailand Free Essays

Thailand†s booming economy has encouraged me to begin a new business relationship with a highly recognized Thai company. I manufacturer a line of products for the sugar processing industry. I recently signed a one-year contract with Thai Chemiclas and Engineering Co. We will write a custom essay sample on Doing Business in Thailand or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ltd., located in Bangkok, to be my exclusive representative in the Thailand area. Thai Chemicals and Engineering will promote my product line and get it into the all the sugar mills in the area. They will purchase two containers per month for which we have negotiated a compatible price. The containers will be shipping out of Savannah, Georgia with a final destination of the port of Bangkok. The shipping terms will be CIF: Bangkok. I decided to use a local company to represent my product line for various reasons. First of all, I need someone that knows the culture and business environment who has an established relationship with other locals. Once my products become known, I would like to establish a! factory in Thailand. Therefore, I found it necessary to gather all the information required to begin a new business in Thailand. Although business can be 100 % owned by foreign investors, some are reserved for 51 % Thai ownership. People of any nationalities can participate in ownership to varying degrees: through sole ownership, a limited companycorporation, an ordinary partnership, a limited partnership, or a branch of a foreign corporation. The Ministry of Commerce’s Department of Commercial Registration is directly in charge of company registration. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is a well-developed financial institution which welcomes foreign investment. Bangkok’s modern Don Muang International Airport can easily serve your arrivals or connections. Thailand is equipped with an extensive and ever-developing transport infrastructure and an extensive state-run rail system. There are numerous shipping ports including Bangkok’s Klong Toey Port and the Eastern Seaboard’s Mab Ta Phut and Laem Chabang deep-sea ports within 200 kilometres of Bangkok. Typical business hours are : for banks and financial institutions, Monday – Friday 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.; Government offices, Monday -Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed noon – 1 p.m.); private business, Monday – Friday from 8:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. The Royal Thai Government (RTG) has been reducing import duties and trade barriers as part of its obligations as a founding member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and as a member of the Association of South East Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) Free Trade Area (AFTA). A Factory Establishment Licence must be obtained from the Ministry of Industry. Fees depend on machinery power rating and the number of employees. Arbitrary customs valuation procedures constitute another barrier to U.S. exports. The Thai Customs Department may use as a check price the highest previously invoiced price of a product imported from any given country and may disregard actual invoiced values in favor of the check price for assessment purposes. On June 6, 1995, the Thai Cabinet approved a policy to require, on a case by case basis, countertrade on government procurement contracts valued at over 500 million baht ($20 million) Thailand maintains several programs that subsidize exports, including preferential financing for exporters. Thailand’s export-import bank, established in September 1993, is responsible for some of these programs, particularly the packing credit program. One of the most prominent trade issues between the United States and Thailand has been the extent of Thailand’s protection for U.S. copyright, patent and trademark holders. The Kingdom of Thailand respects all international laws regarding copyrights and trademarks. Thailand passed a new copyright law in December 1994 that strengthened legal copyright protection and increased the penalties for copyright infringement Amendments to the trademark law in 1992 provide higher penalties for infringement and extend protection to services, certification, and collective marks. Under current Thai regulation, only persons of Thai nationality may be licensed in many professional services, including accounting, architecture, engineering, construction management, brokerage services and legal services. However, there is planning to revise these regulations. The announcement of National Executive Council No. 281, commonly known as the Alien Business Law, limits foreign equity in many Thai firms to less than fifty percent. The Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations between Thailand and the United States provides for 100 percent U.S. ownership of companies in most industries. Businesses in the fields of communications, transport, fiduciary functions, natural resources, or trade in agricultural products are excluded from treaty coverage. The Communications Authority of Thailand imposes stringent equity and revenue sharing requirements on International Value Added Network Service (IVANs) providers. In conclusion, The World Bank predicts that Thailand will be the world’s eighth largest economy within 20 years by the year 2020. Thailand will have a larger economy than Brazil, Britain, France, Italy and Taiwan. Thailand’s own National Economic and social Development Board has seen a doubling of the economy in the year 2000 and the Kingdom ranking first in Southeast Asia, among the seven ASEAN states. I feel that this is the perfect timing to invest and I am confident that my business will prosper. How to cite Doing Business in Thailand, Essay examples

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Wiccan Religion Essay Example For Students

Wiccan Religion Essay annonThe word Witchcraft dates back many hundred of years and means literallyThe craft of the wise. This is because the Witches of the old were thewise ones of their village, knowledgeable in the art of healing, legalmatters and spiritual fulfillment. A Witch had to not only be a religiousleader, but also the doctor, lawyer, and psychologist of the village. Today, people have reclaimed this word in their pursuit of Wiccan religion. A With is an initiate of Wicca, one who has earned the right to callthemselves Priest, or Priestess, through study, self evaluation, andspiritual living. Wicca itself, is an attempt to re-create European(mostly) Shamansistic Nature Religion, adapting it to fit our modern lives. We will write a custom essay on Wiccan Religion specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Witches are worshippers of the Earth and it^s many cycles. We believe thatdeity is found not only outside to our realm, or plane of existence, butthat is found within every living thing and all that support it. Therefore,we attempt to live in harmony with the Earth and each of it^s creatures. Wiccan tend to involve themselves with ecological pursuits. Wicca observe the holidays of Pagan Europe; Eight festivals spaced evenlyabout the wheel of the year, at the quarters (equinox^s and solstices) andthe cross-quarters (midpoints between the equinox^s and solstices). Theyare called: Yule (Dec 21) Tmbolc (Feb2), Lady Day (March 21), Beltaine (May1), Midsummer (June 21), Lugnassed (Aug 1), Mabon (Sept 21), and Samhain(Oct 31). Actual dates vary slightly from year to year, as they are basedupon actual celestial events. Many Wiccans also celebrate the Full Moon, ofwhich we have 13 per year. The basis for Wiccans moral conduct is found in the statement An Ye HarmNone, Do What Thou Wilt. This is a mock archaic phrase, suggesting thatany behavior that harms none, is morally acceptable. Harm is defined byanything that takes away, or works against an individual^s free will. Itis, of course, impossible to exist, or even cease to exist, without causingharm, so Wiccans look to fulfill this as closely as possible. A Wiccanattempts to make choices based on what will cause the least harm, andpromote the greatest overall positive effect. Wicca teaches self discipline, personal responsibility kinship with ourplant and its creatures, open-mindedness and the virtues of diversity. Wiccans do not proselytize, as we believe that each must find the path thatis right for them, and that all religions are different paths to the sametruths. We draw our beliefs and practices from our own experiences, andthat of others, understanding that age does not makes a religion any morevalid, not does political support, numbers of followers or materialholdings of it^s temple. Religion is a very personal thing, one which canonly be validated by the experience of the individual. Wicca provides alink for those who follow similar paths to share their experiences.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Whats Love Got to Do With It. Professor Ramos Blog

Whats Love Got to Do With It. On December 13 1989 the body of Richard Mallory was found in a wooded area of Florida. The victim had been shot 4 times with a .22 caliber gun. Unfortunately unbeknown to the residence of Florida Mr. Mallory was just the tip of the iceberg. Within just over a year span 6 additional bodies were discovered shot dead in rural areas of Florida. 43 year old David Spears’ body was found on June 1st 1990. â€Å"The critical lead came in July when witness saw two women crash a Pontiac Sunbird through a fence†(Kunes). The car belonged to Peter Siems. His body was never found. Troy Bures 50 body was found August 4th 1990 shot twice. Charles Humphrey’s 56 was next. His body was found in the woods on September 12th 1990. On November 19th 1990 the string of murders ended with Walter Antonio’s 62 body being found after he had been shot four times. The victim’s families and Florida police set out to find what kind of Monster committed such heinous acts. On January 9TH 1991 police arrested a suspect for the murders. Aileen Wuornos then 34 was arrested at the properly named â€Å"Last Resort† bar in Daytona Florida. After Aileen’s arrest the Nation was left to contemplate what drove Aileen to commit these crimes. When Aileen confessed she declared â€Å"All I wanted to do was get my money for sex, if I could do it clean no problem, if there was a problem that’s when the incident happened†(Kunes). In Cohen’s Monster Theory he states â€Å"the monster prevents mobility, delimiting the social spaces through which private bodies may move. To step outside the official geography is to risk attack by some monstrous border patrol†(Cohen). Aileen’s victims we ignorant to the reality of who they were dealing with. Since the murders many individuals have tried to find the causes of the murders. By compiling years of research along with interviews from Aileen, I will contend there is no one reason for Ailee n’s actions but rather the whole is greater than the sum of the parts . In Cohen’s theory he states â€Å" the monster signifies something other than itself: it’s always a displacement, always inhabits the gap between the time of upheaval that created it and the moment into which it was received†(4). From birth Aileen was brought into chaos. Aileen Wuornos was born February 29th 1956. According to a documentary that interviews Aileen a few years before she was to be executed, Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer, Her teen parents Dianne and father Leo had already divorced. In an interview Dianne recalls Aileen was born Frank Breech meaning buttock first through the vaginal canal. Her mom told Broomfield she though â€Å"Aileen might have got brain damage from the birth†(Broomfield). When Aileen was 6 months old Dianne abandoned her and her brother Keith 11 months older than Aileen with Dianne’s roommate. According to Serial Murders and the Case of Aileen Wuornos: Attachment Theory, Psychopathy, and Predatory Aggres sion a child’s specifically infant bond with it’s mother is monumental in setting a tone on how an individual will view relationships later in life. Bowlby stated â€Å"the young child’s hunger for his mother’s love is as great as his hunger for food, and without her the young child succumbs to a powerful sense of loss and anger†(Arrigo). On top of Aileens lack of a relationship with her mother she would never meet her biological father Leo. â€Å"Leo Pitman was convicted of kidnapping and brutally raping a seven year old girl. He committed suicide while serving a life sentence†(Arrigo). Although there are many theories that speculate why Aileen might have committed the murders, Arrigo argues that it shouldn’t be overlooked that Aileen’s violent temper described by those who knew her best as â€Å"explosive† mimics those of her biological father who was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. â€Å"Given Leo’s violent beha vior one can conclude that while the primary focus is on the environmental component as shaping one’s personality the biological components of psychopathy cannot be overlooked. Indeed, Aileen’s fits of rage, along with her lack of concern for others, reflect those of her biological father†(387). While we may never know why Aileen committed the murders many who studied Aileen argue that it might have been biological. After Aileen’s mother abandoned her and her brother, Aileen’s maternal grandparents adopted the pair. Aileen and Keith were under the impression their grandparents were their parents and referred to them as such. Her grandfather Lauri Wuornos ruled with an iron fist. In one of Aileen’s interviews she â€Å"described sadistic abuse committed by her grandfather. She recounted numerous beating with a leather strap on her bare buttock†¦Aileen spoke of being beaten on consecutive days while her skin was still raw from prior assaults†(Arrigo). In Broomfield’s documentary one of Aileen’s childhood friend Michelle remembered Lauri taking Aileen over his knee after the pair were caught ditching school. Michelle stated that she watched Aileen get beat and was mesmerized by the beating†¦ Michelle continued by saying that was just an common example of the abuse she observed at the hands of Aileen’s Grandfather†(Life and Death of A Serial Killer). Her Grandmother Britta â€Å"was an alcoholic and it would later claim Britta’s life when Aileen was 15†(Arrigo). Bowlby who studied Aileen thought that â€Å"as a result of early attachment experiences, a child accumulates knowledge and develops a set of expectations about self, significant other, and the larger social world†(Arrigo). From birth the odds were stacked against Aileen. She was passed around from absent parent to abusive grandparents. In 1980 Aileen moved to Florida. In Aileens own words I became a lesbian and all of it would get me in trouble(Broomfield).   Mike Reynolds who wrote the book Dead Ends about Aileen he gave insight to her time in Florida. She didnt have much of a commodity out there, she was overweight, beery, never dressed as a prostitute, never wore make up she wore cut offs , sneakers, and camo shirts towards the end she was running out of options(Broomfield). Cohen states â€Å"The too precise laws of nature as set forth by science are gleefully violate in the freakish compilation of the monsters body. A mixed category, the monster resists any classification built on hierarchy or a merely binary opposition, demanding instead a â€Å"system† allowing polyphony mixed response†(7). In 1986 Aileen meet Tyria Moore at a bar and the two began a five year intimate relationship. Tyria would ultimately be our monster’s demise. According to Broomfield â€Å"Tyria Moore represented t he most stable relationship in Aileen’s life†(Selling of A Serial Killer). The issue was because of Aileen’s upbringing she was unable to maintain healthy relationships. Arrigo argues â€Å"drug abuse, prostitution, violence, transience, and crimes were the coping mechanism employed by Aileen when confronted with Ty’s sociability toward and interests in others. Aileen had no mental representation of how to love someone and be loved in a healthy, unconditional way.†(Serial Murders and the Case of Aileen Wuornos: Attachment Theory, Psychopathy, and Predatory Aggression). Aileen states that the trouble started when all of her regulars went to train for Desert Storm. â€Å"Tyria told me I should go out and meet strangers like I did in the beginning†(Broomfield). Aileen claimed Ty knew about her crimes. When Seims’ car was crashed there were two females existing the vehicle. The day after Aileen was arrested Tyria was apprehended at her sis ter’s house in Ohio. Although she had victims personal effects on her person she was never charged in connection with the crimes. Instead she offered immunity and made a state’s witness in exchange for her cooperation with police. Unbeknown to Aileen at the time of her trial her jailhouse conversations with Ty were being taped by police. Those tapes would prove to be the most damning evidence against Aileen. In the documentary Aileen: Selling of a Serial Killer Broomfield documented Aileen’s murder trial for victim Richard Mallory. Aileen was the sole witness to testify for the defense. Although Aileen did confess to the killing the men she said it was self defense. When Aileen took the stand she testified that Richard Mallory told her youre going to do everything I tell you to do and if you dont Ill kill you just like all the other sluts(Broomfield). Aileen contended that Richard Mallory had tried to rape her. Kris Jenkins her public defender was criticized for failing to bring to the courts attention that Malloy had served 10 years for attempted rape(Broomfield). May believe it was Richard Mallorys attempted rape of Aileen that was the straw that broke the camels back. According to Aileen Wuornos: Killer Who Preyed on Truck Drivers, due to Floridas William Rule evidence relating to other crimes was allowed to help to show a pattern information regarding the other killings was pr esented to the jury. Wuornos claims of having killed in self defense would have been a lot more believable had the jury only know of Mallory(MacLeod). Cohen stated in Monster theory The refusal to participate in the classificatory order of things is true of monsters generally: they are disturbing hybrids who externally incoherent bodies resist attempts to include them in any system structuration. And so the monster is dangerous, a form suspended between forms that threated to smash distinctions(6). The jury didnt take long to convict Aileen of Mallorys murder. After all was said and done Aileen was eventually convicted of six counts murder and sentence to death by the state of Florida. From the day she was born Aileen Wuornos never had a working model of what it was to be a constructive member of society. She was kicked to the curb by the people who should have loved her the most, and was never truly accepted in adulthood. Although it’s true not everybody with a turbulent childhood kills, that’s where Aileen’s journey took her. In Aileen’s final interview before she was set to be executed she had this to say about her life â€Å"To me this world is full of nothing but evil, and all of us are full of evil one way or another, in whatever we do. My evil just happened to come from the circumstances of what I was doing hitchhikin, hookin, on the road†(Broomfield). Although some may think that’s no excuse for what she did, it’s ultimately her story. Aileen paid the price for her crimes and was executed on October 9, 2002. Annotated Bibliography Aileen Wuornos: Killer who Preyed on Truck Drivers, Marlee McLeod, 200http://members.chello.nl/w.kuijpers3/literature/Wuornos.pdf1 This article is about Aileen Wuornos life. Its more scholarly researcher about her case. I will use this article to go into detail about her trial.I give this article a 10 on reliability because I got it from a scholarly source. â€Å"Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer†, Netflix, Nick Broomfield Joan Churchill, 2003 This documentary is directed by Nick Broomfield. This takes place after Aileen was found guilty of all 7 murders. Nick interviews those around Aileen as well as Aileen just days before she was executed. I will use this as a look into Aileen’s mindset about her life. Although this is a popular source, I will give the reliability a 10. â€Å"Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer†, Netflix, Nick Broomfield Joan Churchill, 1993 This documentary is directed by Nick Broomfield. It takes place after Aileen’s arrest for the murder of Rodney Mallory while Aileen’s waiting to be tried for her other six murders. I will use this as evidence as to who Aileen was and her mind frame. Although this is a popular source it’s reliable because of the interview of those closest to Aileen. I give this article a 10 out of 10. Arrigo, Bruce A., Ayyanna Griffin. â€Å"Serial Murders and the Case of Aileen Wuornos: Attachment Theory, Psychopathy, and predatory Aggression.† Behavioral Science the Law, vol 22, no 3, May 2004, pp 375-393. http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=5sid=a0ec9ad2-3150-4dcf-895f-f9b65507366e%40sessionmgr4007 This article is a scholarly journal that takes research on attachment theory and Aileen’s biological makeup. The article addresses how the sum of the whole might have influenced Aileen’s life. I will use this article to try connect what researchers say to what those around Aileen knew about her. I give this article a 10 out of 10 because it’s a scholarly source and was written about Aileen specifically. Cohen Jeffrey, Monster Culture (Seven Theses) This article gives multiple views on Monsters and who they are. Cohen compiled research from all over to understand what makes a monster a monster. I will use this article to cement that Aileen is viewed as a monster by society. This article will like scholarly research to the documentaries. I give this article a 10 for reliability. Kunes J.S M. Grant â€Å"Florida Cops Say Seven Men Met Death on the Highway When They Picked Up Accused Serial Killer..† People Vol. 35, no 7, 25 February 1991, p 44http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=2sid=a0ec9ad2-3150-4dcf-895f-f9b65507366e%40sessionmgr4007bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=9103042610db=a9h This article is a news story on Aileen Wuornos and Tyria Moore it gives details of the murders. This article also talks about how the police didn’t think Tyria Moore had anything to do with the murders. I will use this article because it’s a snapshot of how Aileen was caught and her mind frame freshly after the arrest. It’s an important article because it gives another point of view besides those in Aileen’s circle. I give this article a 10 because it is on a scholarly website.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Use the Spanish Word Como

How to Use the Spanish Word Como Como is a common and useful word in Spanish that is frequently used to compare two things, persons, or actions that are similar. Como Often Equivalent to Like or As Como is frequently used as a preposition or conjunction that means like or as. Regardless of which of the two parts of speech it is used as, it is generally understood much the same way by English speakers, so this introductory lesson will look at examples of its usage as both parts of speech together. (Note: English translations used in this lesson reflect English as it is frequently spoken rather than distinguishing among proper uses of like and as.) Como nearly always means something similar to in the manner of and/or is used to make actual or implied comparisons: Piense como un millonario. (Think like a millionaire.)Dice que usa las redes sociales como un presidente moderno. (He says he uses social networks like a modern president.)Si se parece a un pato, anda como un pato y grazna como un pato, entonces es un pato. (If it seems like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then its a duck.)Te quiero, pero como amigo. (I love you, but as a friend.)No hay nadie como Francisco. (There is nobody like Francisco.) ¡No me trates como un perro! (Dont treat me like a dog!)Como tu profesor, quiero ayudarte y ser tu amiga. (As your teacher, I want to help you and be your friend.)No duermo como antes. (I dont sleep like I did before.)He decidido vestirme como quiero. (I have decided to dress myself the way I want.)Te odio como jams he odiado a nadie. (I hate you like Ive never hated anyone before.)Como era de esperar, la pelà ­cula ha batido todos los rà ©cords. (As expected, the film has broken all records.)Mà ­rame como si fuera la prim era vez. (Look at me as if it were the first time.) Salieron como si nada hubiera pasado. (They left as if nothing had happened.)El cine se lo conoce como el sà ©ptimo arte. (Cinema is known as the seventh art.)Quiero la piel como estaba antes. (I want my skin to like it was before.) Como the conjunction/preposition should not be confused with the homonym como, the first-person singular indicative form of comer that means I eat. Como in Approximations Colloquially, como is sometimes used for approximations. Typical translations include about and approximately. Tengo un primo que pesa como 200 kilogramos. (I have a cousin who weighs approximately 200 kilograms.)Maneje como dos millas pasando la gasolinera Texaco. (Drive about two miles, passing the Texaco gas station.)Al final me costà ³ como mil dà ³lares tomar el examen. (In the end, it cost me something like $1,000 to take the text.)Llevo como dos semanas intentando comprar los boletos en là ­nea para el concierto. (I spent about two weeks trying to buy the tickets online for the concert.) Using Como for How With an orthographic accent, cà ³mo becomes an adverb and is often translated as how. This occurs most often in questions and indirect questions:  ¿Cà ³mo ests? (How are you?) ¿Cà ³mo puedo adquirir un pasaporte? (How can I get a passport?) ¿Cà ³mo puede algo tan pequeà ±o hacerte sentir tan grande? (How can something so small make you feel so great?)No sà © cà ³mo bajar los fotos del servidor. (I dont know how to download the photos from the server. Note: This is an example of cà ³mo being used in an indirect question.)No me importa cà ³mo lo haces. (It doesnt matter to me how you do it.)

Monday, February 17, 2020

Career Assistance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Career Assistance - Research Paper Example The two documents are different in that a certificate is mainly used for verification while a license is used to define the terms and conditions of an agreement. In business for instance, one needs to have a license in order to install a business, as well as have a certificate indicating that he is the rightful owner of the business. With the current changes being experienced in our contemporary societies, technology is the way to go. Technology makes works easier which saves time at the same time brings about satisfaction of both the service provider and the recipients (Venable, 2010). Human resource managers should ensure regular update of their employees into new technologies. This is because it enhances efficiency as well as improves employee productivity. For example, computers have simplified data analysis as compared to the manual analysis of data. Moreover, technology has been highly linked to innovations which play a major role in career development. Internet services that are a result of new technology enable employees to further their skills through research, which can also enable them to come up with new discoveries (Venable, 2010). Consequently, it can be said that managers who empower their human resource technologically provide them with a favorable environment of developing their

Monday, February 3, 2020

Answering Questions about Pioneers of Psychology Term Paper

Answering Questions about Pioneers of Psychology - Term Paper Example Moore (2006) argues that falling of an apple noticed by Newton leads to growth of commonsense psychology which in turn guides us to human psychology. It can be said that observation of free falling apple and formulation of laws of gravity is a reflection of common sense of a great person like Newton. In addition to common sense psychology, Newton has also done an important work regarding color vision which has a great significance in biological psychology and physiology. Freedheim (2003) discusses in his work that Newton was the only physicist who recognized the nature of color. Before and during the time of Newton, there was a great debate that whether light is wave or particle in nature. But Newton supported particle theory about the nature of light. This theory left deep impact on early development of psychology. One can say that Newton based his scientific theories on practical experience of phenomenon. It is known as an empirical approach. This approach was also adopted in psych ology and philosophy due to its fruitful results. Kumar (2002) writing about Newton’s approach says that Lock profoundly admired him and sought to develop such an approach in philosophy which was similar to it. Later on this approach helped psychologists to study human behavior. There is close relation among subjects of social as well as natural sciences. Describing this relationship Bornstein (1984, p. 242) writes â€Å"physics begets bio-chemistry, bio-chemistry begets physiology and physiology begets psychology†. So one can say that physics has great closeness with psychology and laws of motion and gravitation have influenced the subject matter of psychology. Present scholars say that if a child asks about falling of apples or any other similar thing then one can answer him with profound understanding of laws of nature. 2. Errors in Aristotle’s Psychology Aristotle occupies a significant place in different fields, such as literature, philosophy, history and p sychology. As he has contributed in other fields, similarly his prominent work in psychology has attracted the attention of great scholars and psychologists. Many researchers have critically examined and studied Aristotle’s thoughts about the mind of human beings. He has discussed about the soul, human imagination, perception, thinking and desire. Aristotle’ psychology has prominent role in study of soul which is called psuche in Greek language. Aristotle distinguishes between living and non-living things on basis of existence of soul. Aristotle argues that all living things have soul while no-living things do not have this essential element. He further says that due to this important element people grow, digest, breathe and reproduce. He also believes that plants and animals have souls as human beings. Aristotle has further categorized the organisms on basis of their capabilities. In Aristotle’s view plants and animals possess lesser powers of soul while human souls have more powers. Moreover, Aristotle argues that soul cannot live outside the body. Guthrie (1956) explaining this concept of soul says that in Aristotle’s view body is a tool through which soul expresses itself. On the other hand, Aristotle talking about ‘thought’ maintains that it can exist outside the body of a person. When one analyzes psychological works of Aristotle, then many errors become evident. One major criticism

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Hydrostatic Pressure Vessel

Hydrostatic Pressure Vessel Nomenclature = radial stress = Hoop stress = axial stress Pi = internal pressure Po = external pressure ri = internal radius ro = external radius r = radius at point of interest (usually ri or ro) Delta L = Elongation = Deformation ID = inner dimeter of o-ring Gd = groove diameter Srec = stretch recommended Bd = Bore diameter GW = Groove width CS = cross section diameter C = recommended maximum compression (static)   Summary    A design of a thick vessel is created to measure the effects of hydrostatic pressure when operated in them. The methodology of calculating the stresses on thick walled cylinders is illustrated. A study of the radial and hoop stresses is progressed to find the required sizes of the vessel to operate without a failure under 30 MPa pressure. The bolts are designed to handle the load on the vessel to keep the vessel in one place without moving. The force in the vessel is measured to find the correct bolts that will keep the vessel fixed and safe. A sealing technology study is described to understand how to measure the correct dimension of the o-ring to process the test without air leakage from the entry of vessel. The groove in the vessel was measured to stretch the o-ring designed in a correct manner so the pressure hand move in and out sealed. The calculations in this report are tested mathematically in an academic manner for the design to be brought to life with high efficiency. Introduction In the field of science experimenting, it is necessary to test the efficiency of a specific design, because all products of same function have different specifications and differ in quality. At the same time the true specification of a design can alter its efficiency. Therefore, the best product must be created with real specific measurements that lead to its perfection. It is found that there are three important features of the pressure vessel. Firstly, the shape of the vessel which presents the equations used to study the impact of pressure in them. Secondly, the material used must be chosen correctly to prevent any danger if vessel fails. Finally, the safety is the most important feature in a pressure vessel hence it is important to choose the correct bolts that will keep the vessel fixed at a point. In addition to designing the desired sealing technology of the vessel to keep the air pressure tight in the vessel without any leakage. Companies, industries and labs usually use hydrostatic pressure on a specimen to figure out it properties which allow us to understand the standards of the material. Using hydrostatic pressure is a safe and effective process which helps us to understand more about failure of objects under pressure and the effect of hydrostatic pressure. There are a few different techniques used to measure the failure of a test, for ex ample, when a hydrostatic test is proceeding it is known that if air starts leaking from the vessel, this would be considered as a failed test. Thick walled cylinders nature is that they handle more pressure. Under high pressure, the wall might explode and cause failure thus is it important to dimension right size for the thickness of the cylinder before manufacturing the cylinder for hydrostatic testing. Measuring variables such as, hoop, radial, and axial stresses will be discussed and progressed for the vessel designed in this report. The bolts used are entitled to a high load of pressure which is possible to cause a failure if there was no study taken before using these specific bolts that have this mechanical specification. A study on the strength of the bolt is being used and will be illustrated later in the report. Basically, this report will show a study on how to design the required cylinder and bolts to process a safe hydrostatic test. As the design of the vessel will be illustrated to understand the image of the design and its dimensions. Which will lead to an understanding on how to design a specified thick cylin der to process an internal pressure and a hydraulic press to test a specimen hydrostatically. Aim of the Project The project aim to design a device to measure the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the fracture toughness of the device. It is found that the device required must handle conditions of 30 MPa pressure thus thick walled cylinder is needed. The importunacy of this project is to create a design that meets the required conditions for it to function plus applying correct methods and calculations for it to function. Hydrostatic pressure Hydrostatic pressure test is latest style of testing the ability of fracture toughness of a vessel without causing harm. Hydrostatic test of vessels requires gas or water filled into the vessel if the fracture toughness of vessel is about to crack, the resistance of air reduces the explosion as they resist the inner pressure that causes the failure. Less energy is released when fracture is about to take place LT (2016). Air is a fair medium that is used for a hydrostatic test. Air is less expensive than oil and it has an easier method than water for a test. The sample will not get harmed after the test. When a failure occurs, it means that the vessel does not meet the standard and this failure can be shown when the durability fails and air begins to leak. It is important to assure the leak prevention, reliability, and safety of the pressure test. There are two methods of testing hydrostatic and pneumatic. Air is used as a medium of the hydrostatic test Arshad Mahmud (2012). The hydrostatic test measures the elastic deformation of a metal and its ability to get back to it is formal shape. Air is a safe medium as it is can compressed like water. When a cylinder blows out, air will leak which is safer than using other material due its possibility to be highly explosive. Pressure vessel Pressure Vessel is a tank that is designed to contain gases or liquids at different pressure limits. The pressure or temperature drops can be dangerous; this can cause an explosion which can injure anyone near the vessel. Thus, when designing a pressure vessel legal commands must be taken to create a vessel that is safe to perform its task. History of pressure vessels started in 1495 when Leonardo Da Vinci designed a vessel. The major problems that occurred were mainly explosions because of leakage of compressed gas or liquid, and if a fire was burning near. Engineers created safety factors as measurements of safety of pressure vessels LT (2016). Pressure vessels are used in many applications, for example, in compressed air receivers, hot water storage tank, compression chambers, mining operations and nuclear reactor vessels. A cylinder is the usual shape that is used for hydrostatic testing. It has good maintenance because it is checked every five years for public safety. When the device gets cold when in storage, fatigue might occur hence the importance of the maintenances. However, hard steel responds to it properties to handle in high pressures. Steel also provides controlled and safe environment to prevent any explosion that is possible to harm people. Shape of the vessel Cylinders have an ideal shape because it is easy to analyze when in operation and are easily made. This makes cylindrical vessels the cheapest in cost and most effective. Even though the cylinder is the ideal shape for the vessel, it comes with a few disadvantages, for example, the bigger the diameter, the more expensive the construction of the cylinder would be. The ideal size for a cylindrical vessel is 8cm, this is to avoid inspections and testing issues RR (2012). In this case, the maximum internal pressure chosen is 30MPa which allow us to design a thick-walled cylinder. Equation, and variables of thick walled cylinder will be illustrated in this report, based on them a design of a vessel will be created for hydrostatic testing. Thick Walled Cylinders There are a lot of examples for thick cylinder such as, guns, hydrostatic testing device, and high pressure hydraulic pipes. Thick cylinders are entitled to internal and external pressure. The wall thickness is large and the stress across the thickness is notable. Stresses in this case are solved by using specific boundary conditions, compatibility, and equilibrium. The problem of thick walled cylinders is that they are entitled to high pressure and temperature which is possible at constant or changing duration. The usual problem is ductile fracture of the material which is because of the geometry or the properties of the material. The real analysis of a thick cylinder is dependent on the radial and hoop stress caused by the internal pressure which stand up to the yield strength of the material. Equilibrium equation is important because we need it to relate stresses to strains and strains to displacement d(sr) / dr + sr sh / r = 0. Compatibility equations; Thick walled cylinders have three main mechanical stresses. To design a thick, cylinder the thickness of the wall should be more than 1/10 of the greatest diameter of the cylinder: 1-Hoop Stress 2-Radial Stress 3-Axial Stress (2017) Thick walled cylinder The boundary conditions of a thick-walled cylinder are: Thin surface is, at and outer surface is, at Thus -pi = A (B / ri^2) and -po = A (B / ro^2) Variables can be seen in figure 1.1, Figure 1.1 shows location of the variables (2017) Thick walled cylinder A and B in the simultaneous equations above when applied to the boundary conditions above, two constant equations for A and B will be concluded; Now, to find the final general equation, Lames equation is included thus the hoop stress and radial stress will be; (2017) Thick walled cylinder the axial stress on the case of the cylinder designed bellow which a closed end is calculated by means of equilibrium which is reduced to as shown above. Maximum shear stress follow that stresses on the cylinder at any point on the wall are principal stresses. Thus, the maximum shear stress at any point will be given by the equation of Tresca theory, Giuseppe Catalanotti (2017) Material of the vessel Pressure vessel are mainly made from steel. Rolling or forging is used to make out the shape out of the vessel. Current standards use steel to impact resistance which increases the mechanical strength. Steel is the most important material for engineering and construction in the world. Steel has a great resistance to corrosion because of its formability and durability, high tensile and yield strength and is very effective for thermal conductivity. Stiffness, ductility and yield strength are measured using tensile stress test. Impact test used to figure out the toughness and hardness of surface resistance Total Material (2016). -Yield strength of steel is 260MPa -Young modulus is between 210 GPa (Stiffness better three times than aluminum) -density of 7.7/8.1(kg/dm3) -Poissons ratio 0.30 -Thermal conductivity 11.2/48.3(W/mK) -Thermal expansion 9/27(10-6/K) Total Material (2016). Safe tank to perform a hydrostatic test must remain sealed. Lip seal technology is used in this system. O-ring were created to prevent any leakage when hydraulic hand is inserted into the chamber. A hydrostatic test should meet these requirements of the vessel to remain testing of pressure safe. Calculations Results: First, the maximum pressure that will cause yield at the internal surface of the vessel will be calculated, using the hoop and radial stresses to find the maximum shear strength and the yield strength. The equations will be used are explained in thick-walled cylinder section which are the hoop and radial stresses. In addition to the maximum shear strength equation and yield equation which will be mentioned in the following; Giuseppe Catalanotti (2017) Secondly, the elongation equation will be used to determine the size of the deformation; Delta(L) = deformation(z) * L (L) is the height of the internal cut which has a height of 0.210m Deformation(z) v = passions ratio E = the young modulus k is the ratio of external diameter on the internal diameter ro/ri First the hoop and radial stresses must be calculated hence the hoop stress equation is pi = 30MParo = 0.210m k = 2.625ri = 0.08m hoop stress is = 145.67MPausing hoop stress equation above. pi = 30MParo = 0.210m k = 2.625ri = 0.08mk = ro / ri The radial stress is = -(108.75 MPa)but r = -piusing radial stress equation above. The yield equation is pi = 30*10^6 k = 2.625using the yield equation above. = 70.18 MPa Since the yield strength of the steel is 260Mpa and it is greater than the yield at 70.18MPa pressure then the measurements of the vessel appear to be able to handle an extra 190MPa on the system before it begins to fail. The maximum shear strength Tresca is      = Since hoop and radial stresses are found, maximum shear stress can be calculated. = 145.67MPa = 108.75MPa= 70.18MPa Giuseppe Catalanotti (2017) Now finding the Elongation which has the equation Delta(L) =* L = (1 2v) * pi / E (k^2 1) = (1 2 * 0.3) * 30*10^6 / 210*10^9 * (2.625^2 1) = 9.7*10^-6 v = passions ratio of steel pi = internal pressure E = the young modulus of steel k is the ratio of external diameter on the internal diameter ro/ri Deformation= 9.7 *10^-6m Since, Delta(L) = defamation(z) * L Then, L = Length of the cylinder which is = 0.21m. See figure (3). Elongation is 9.7 * ^-6 * 0.21 = 2.037 *10^-6m from Elongation equation above Giuseppe Catalanotti (2017) Bill of Materials (6) (4) (1) (3) (5) (2) Item Number Description quantity Material (1) Vessel 1 Steel (2) O-Ring 1 Rubber (3) M14 Bolts 6 Steel (4) M12 Bolts 4 Steel (5) Pressure hand 1 Steel (6) Holding Stick 1 Steel The Design and assembly procedure A hydrostatic pressure device was designed to measure the pressure. This tank is to be attached to the hydraulic machine. Measurement of the machine were taken to design the vessel. The purpose of this device in figure (1) is to ensure that pressure tests are maintained safely and properly. This design is measured to handle pressure between 0MPa to 70MPa. The test will be progressed at 30 MPa. The material used is steel. The design contains six different main parts as shown in figure (1). This section will provide dimension and function of each part. Figure (1) Vessel Components (Exploded View) The size and the thickness are very important factors when designing a safe vessel. Figure (2) shows the circular diameter of the head of the vessel which is 21cm and that it was extruded to 34cm. Figure (2) is also a cross sectional view of the final shape of the vessel.The thichness of the wall surrounding the chamber is 6.5cm and the bottom has a thickness of 7cm. Figure (3) shows the dimsion of the chamber which is a cylinder of 8cm diameter and length of 21cm. This area is where it is expected to place the specimen. The specimen size is measured to be 20*50*4mm Figure (2) Dimension (1)Figure (3)Chamber dimensions The mechanism that will hold the vessel is smart. Figure (4) shows a diameter of a cut of 5.1 cm and 6.5 high. This area is meant to be placed into the bottom holding hand of the hydraulic machine in the Ashby building. Where the vessel has an extrusion of 27cm and height of 5cm and was created as a base of vessel as shown in figure (5). Figure (4) Bottom hand holder Figure (5) shows the base diameter and height Figure (6) shows that the base cylinder has 6 holes of M14 size. These holes were created to be tighten up with bolts of M14 shown in figure (7) on the table of the hydraulic machine. Six bolts are created and can be seen in figure (6). Figure-(6) M14 holes x6 Specification of the Bolts (F = P x A),which means that the force is equal to the pressure multiplied by the area. Figure (3) shows the internal diameter of the vessel which is 0.08m. (a = pi x (d)^2 / 4) is used to calculate the area of a cylinder, which means that (pi x (0.08m)^2 / 4) = (50.03*10^-3 m^2). The maximum pressure will be tested is 30 MPa. Since pressure is 30MPa and area is (5.03*10^-3 mm^2). then as they multiplied to bring a force of 150 kN. This means that thetotal force in the cylinder is equal to 150 kN. The question here is that will the bolts in figure (7) and (8) M14, M12 handle 150 kN of force. The research on the metric bolts shows the ability of each size of the bolts. It was shown that M14 bolt has a load proof of 66.7 kN. Figure (6) shows that there are 6 bolts of M14 is used. Now, the total force applied is divided by the number of the bolts to show the required ability of the bolts. (150 kN / 6 = 25 kN) which means that the system requires six bolts that each of them can handle 25 kN of force Metric Bolts (2016). Above it is mentioned that the load proof of each of the M14 bolts is 66.7 kN which means that a total of six M14 bolts will provide an ability of 400 kN, 400 kN of force can handle 150 kN of applied force. In brief, the bolts used in the system in figure (11) meet the requirement of the study which is 30 MPa. To ensure the safety of fixing the vessel to the machine, four M12 bolts were added. M12 bolt figure (8) has a load proof of 48.9 kN, Total load proof of four bolts is equal to 195.6 kN which has a good impact on keeping the vessel safe from any danger of being rapidly moved away from it fixed point. Eventually, the total ability of the bolts is equal to 595.6 kN which are designed to prevent the vessel from any possible danger of a maximum pressure load of 150 kNMetric Bolts (2016). Figure (7) M14 Bolt x6 Figure (1) shows 4 holes created on top of the vessel. They are M12 holes created to increase stability of the vessel and more safety in case of the vessel left it place. Bolts of M12 were created to have a length of 39cm as shown figure (8). Calculations above are measurements of parts in figure (1) . Ten bolts, 4 of M12 and 6 of M14 are attached to the base of hydraulic machine. Finally, a hydrostatic test can be done safely.   Figure (8) Long M12 bolts x4 Sealing Technology O-ring is a mechanical gasket in a shape of loop with a diameter that is made of rubber. It is designed to be fitted at circler cut which means that an o-ring will be compressed during work. It is expected to seal a joint of two parts. One mechanical benefit of the o-rings is to seal a moving hand through a vessel without an air leakage. Thus, a specific design of an o-ring will be designed to be fitted at the entry gate of the vessel for the hand to enter the vessel without air leaking (efunda) 2017. Figure (5) shows the place of the o-ring. The thickness of the o-ring is calculated to be 0.84 mm and the inner diameter of the o-ring is measured to be 79.46 mm. The o-ring designed can be seen in figure (10). Figure (9) shows the grave and the dimension of the O-ring. An o-ring is meant to be attached in this system. The groove was measured to be 4 cm away from the top of the vessel in the chamber section. The groove diameter was calculated to be 8.1 cm and the width of the groove is 1.15 mm. As hydraulic hand enters the chamber, it will pass through three rubber bands that reduces the area of the chamber making it tighter for the hand to be inserted without any leakage outside the system PS (2016). The design of the grave and the o-ring must be studied before they are designed. To design a sealing technology there are a few variables to know to create it. These variables are the bore dimeter of the outside radius, the groove diameter of the inside radius and the groove width of the axial length. The maximum stretch of the 0-ring should not be more than 5% of the grove size (efunda) 2017. Calculations of the O-ring and Results ID is the inner diameterof the o-ring and can be found if Srec the recommended stretchischosen and the groove diameter Gd the groove diameter can also be found when this equation is used; Srec = 2% ID = Gd * (1 Srec) then, ID = Gd * (0.98). The stretch of the o-ring is to make the o-ringstay at the groove tightly without falling out (efunda). ID = (39.94 * 2) 0.42 = 79.46 mm ID = 79.46mm Gd = ID / 0.98 Gd = 79.46 / 0.98 = 81mm Gd = 81mm Cross sectional Diameter (CS) of the o-ring: O-ring will be compressed in radial direction when it is attached to the groove. As the cross section of the ring is compressed between groove and bore diameter then the cross-sectional diameter must be more the depth of the groove. Which means that CS > Gd ID / 2 (efunda) 2017. CS = Gd ID / 2 = 81mm- 79.46mm / 2 = 0.77mm As CS must be > than 0.77mm then CS = 1mm C is the recommended maximum compression is 40% and must be for the ring to be compressed. The recommendation of C depended on the seal kind. Static seals do not require an axial movement in the bore(efunda) 2017. Groove Width in the Vessel (GW) = When the ring is compressed horizontally it will expand vertically. The material of the ring will be helpful to be compressed effectively. However, the groove width should be about 1.5 by the cross sectional of the o-ring diameter and this to stretch the ring vertically (efunda) 2017. GW = CS * (1.5) = 1mm * 1.5mm = 1.5mm. Figure (9) Section Cut shows the position and size of the Groove width and diameter Figure (10) O-ring CS dimeter and radius (r) Figure (11) Final Product (Thick walled Vessel) Discussion Thick Walled cylinders handle high pressures with least effects on the vessel and remain safe for future use. The deformation possible in the vessel is calculated to find the amount of elongation (the change in formation or length in an object). The elongation value is 0.002mm which is proper. The maximum pressure in the vessel is 30MPa hence finding the hoop and radial stresses to find the shear stress of the vessel and compare it with the yield strength of the vessels material and it dimensions. Therefore, the stresses applied at different sections in the chamber are calculated above and hoop stress is found to be 145.67MPa and radial stress is 108.7MPa. The maximum shear stressin the vessel is calculated from the hoop and radialstresses and it is found to be 70.18 MPa. Based on Total Material (2016) the yield strength of steel is 260 MPa. Giuseppe Catalanotti (2017) have stated that if yield strength of material is bigger than the shear stress calculated in the vessel then the vessel is safe when pressure applied. The Bolts are designed to handle keep the vessel fixed on the ground of the hydraulic machine. The total force initiated in the vessel is calculated and found to be 150kN thus the required bolts are must have a higher force than 150kN. The six M14 bolts used can handle force of 400kN and this enough for the vessel to function safely. Finally, the sealing technology, the o- ­ring is designed to keep the vessel sealed when it is preforming. (efunda) 2017 stated that the maximum recommended stretch of an o- ­ring is 5% and the designed o- ­ring has a stretch of 2%. The groove width is 8.1cm, cal culated using 2% max. stretch and an inner diameter of 7.94cm. The CS diameter o- ­ring is 1mm, which must be higher than the calculatedCS diameter which is 0.77mm. Hence, the

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Hardware and Software requirements for the DTP facilities needed Essay

A client from the GNVQ Sports Catalogue Group has asked me to produce a document of at least 16 camera-ready copy pages. The GNVQ Sports Catalogue Group is a small sized company that are a mail order company. They sell sports goods like shirts, footwear, equipment for different sports, clothes etc. The last catalogue is out of date and they need a new catalogue to keep up to date. The catalogue has to advertise the company’s goods and sell them. The client will choose a catalogue to run with to sell the goods. The client wants the following things to be covered in and on the catalogue. The front and back cover has to look professional. An index can be set out in different ways maybe to look for an individual products or products underneath a category. An order from must be put in to the catalogue. In the order form details for the customer to fill in must include name, address, Product ID, Product Name, Quantity, Sub Total, Total. The client stated that 5 orders could only be made on one order form. On the order form also the details that must be include are the company address, phone and fax numbers, postage and package details must be included. The inside pages of the catalogue have to contain the following things. On the pages there must be the name of the product that is being sold on the page where it is noticeable. Also the picture of the product should be on the page. There should be a product description describing what type of product you are selling. This description must include the product ID, product name and price. Other additional things that can be included are like what sizes the product comes in. Hardware and Software requirements for the DTP facilities needed Here I will tell and describe what type of hardware that I need to produce the catalogue. The reason why I did my draft designs the way I did is because of the following reasons. I picked up three catalogues and I analysed them in the following way. The first catalogue I am going to analyse is the FCUK (French Connection United Kingdom). The theme of this catalogue is beach/casual wear. Front cover The front cover is ok. Parts of a word on the front cover have been split up. In between these large letters it has the company name in red, which is in the centre. Underneath the company name it says â€Å"buymail† (hence the fact I got this catalogue by post). It then has a female model at the bottom of the front cover. Along the bottom it has what season the catalogue is in. Underneath they have the contact phone number and the company email address if you want to email them about something. The phone number is in a red colour also. I think the company put their company name and number in red so it stands out and that the people know where to reach them. When you open up the catalogue it has the following logo. The logo is orange and yellow. This gives a feel of the summer, beaches and warmth. Underneath the logo is a brief statement. It entails certain things like they comment on the clothes that are further in the catalogue and other things. It then has the company’s email address. Page Layout Throughout the catalogue the page layout is very similar to one another inside. The page layout inside the catalogue is as follows. On the first page it has a picture of a woman. At the bottom left corner it is says â€Å"Ladieswear pages 3-28†. On the next page are the products being displayed. The products are sort of in a circle shape and in the middle is another product. Underneath it has the description of the product. The description underneath the products includes the product name, style number, colour and the sizes it is available in. The products on the page are displayed on a white background. They also have the description underneath the products. This makes the products stand out. The people modelling the clothes on some pages are on a creamy background. They do not have a contents page. But the front-pages before that particular section starts there is a picture of a person and the related product that is being sold on the pages ahead. It also says how many pages long the section is next to the picture. This may act as a contents page. The lack of good description about the product may be a good thing because potential customers may not want to read lots of detail; they may want to go straight to the product. They also do not have an index. I think this is going to make it a bit hard for the customers to find a specific product they want. I think this because when the person is filling out the order form they might forget a tiny detail about the product and they need to find it quick. They cannot do that in this catalogue therefore they would have to go through the catalogue to find the product they need. I think having an index in the catalogue is very important because it will make it easier for the person to look for a specific product. Back cover The back cover is as follows. It just has pictures from the beach. It also has the company in short (FCUK) in pink on the back cover. At the bottom of the page it has in the same style writing as the logos on the inside page it says â€Å"MEMORIES OF Fcukiki Beach†. This is also in orange and yellow to make it a summer, warmth and beach feel.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Detailed Notes on Good Research Essay Topics to Write about in Step by Step Order

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